
Backbone-associations.js 0.6.2

(c) 2014 Dhruva Ray, Jaynti Kanani, Persistent Systems Ltd. Backbone-associations may be freely distributed under the MIT license. For all details and documentation:

(function(root, factory) {

Set up Backbone-associations appropriately for the environment. Start with AMD.

    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        define(['underscore', 'backbone'], function(_, Backbone) {

Export global even in AMD case in case this script is loaded with others that may still expect a global Backbone.

            return factory(root, Backbone, _);

Next for Node.js or CommonJS.

    } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
        var _ = require('underscore'),
            Backbone = require('backbone');
        factory(root, Backbone, _);
        if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
            module.exports = Backbone;
        exports = Backbone;

Finally, as a browser global.

    } else {
        factory(root, root.Backbone, root._);

}(this, function(root, Backbone, _) {
    "use strict";

Initial Setup

The top-level namespace. All public Backbone classes and modules will be attached to this. Exported for the browser and CommonJS.

    var BackboneModel, BackboneCollection, ModelProto, BackboneEvent,
        CollectionProto, AssociatedModel, pathChecker,
        delimiters, pathSeparator, sourceModel, sourceKey, endPoints = {};

Create local reference Model prototype.

    BackboneModel = Backbone.Model;
    BackboneCollection = Backbone.Collection;
    ModelProto = BackboneModel.prototype;
    CollectionProto = BackboneCollection.prototype;
    BackboneEvent = Backbone.Events;

    Backbone.Associations = {
        VERSION: "0.6.2"

Alternative scopes other than root

    Backbone.Associations.scopes = [];

Define getter and setter for separator

    var getSeparator = function() {
        return pathSeparator;

Define setSeperator

    var setSeparator = function(value) {
        if (!_.isString(value) || _.size(value) < 1) {
            value = ".";

set private properties

        pathSeparator = value;
        pathChecker = new RegExp("[\\" + pathSeparator + "\\[\\]]+", "g");
        delimiters = new RegExp("[^\\" + pathSeparator + "\\[\\]]+", "g");

    try {

Define SEPERATOR property to Backbone.Associations

        Object.defineProperty(Backbone.Associations, 'SEPARATOR', {
            enumerable: true,
            get: getSeparator,
            set: setSeparator
    } catch (e) {}


Add Many and One relations to Backbone Object.

    Backbone.Associations.Many = Backbone.Many = "Many";
    Backbone.Associations.One = Backbone.One = "One";
    Backbone.Associations.Self = Backbone.Self = "Self";

Set default separator

    Backbone.Associations.SEPARATOR = ".";
    Backbone.Associations.getSeparator = getSeparator;
    Backbone.Associations.setSeparator = setSeparator;

    Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_BUBBLE = true;
    Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_WILDCARD = true;
    Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_NC = false;


Define AssociatedModel (Extends Backbone.Model).

    AssociatedModel = Backbone.AssociatedModel = Backbone.Associations.AssociatedModel = BackboneModel.extend({

Define relations with Associated Model.


Define Model property which can keep track of already fired events, and prevent redundant event to be triggered in case of cyclic model graphs.


Override constructor to set parents

        constructor: function (attributes, options) {

Set parent's opportunistically.

            options && options.__parents__ && (this.parents = [options.__parents__]);
            BackboneModel.apply(this, arguments);

        on: function (name, callback, context) {

            var result = BackboneEvent.on.apply(this, arguments);

No optimization possible if nested-events is wanted by the application

            if (Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_NC) return result;

Regular expression used to split event strings.

            var eventSplitter = /\s+/;

Handle atomic event names only

            if (_.isString(name) && name && (!eventSplitter.test(name)) && callback) {
                var endPoint = getPathEndPoint(name);
                if (endPoint) {

Increment end point counter. Represents # of nodes which listen to this end point

                    endPoints[endPoint] = (typeof endPoints[endPoint] === 'undefined') ? 1 : (endPoints[endPoint] + 1);
            return result;

        off: function (name, callback, context) {

No optimization possible if nested-events is wanted by the application

            if (Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_NC) return, arguments);

            var eventSplitter = /\s+/,
                events = this._events,
                listeners = {},
                names = events ? _.keys(events) : [],
                all = (!name && !callback && !context),
                atomic_event = (_.isString(name) && (!eventSplitter.test(name)));

            if (all || atomic_event) {
                for (var i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) {

Store the # of callbacks listening to the event name prior to the off call

                    listeners[names[i]] = events[names[i]] ? events[names[i]].length : 0;

Call Backbone off implementation

            var result =, arguments);

            if (all || atomic_event) {
                for (i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) {
                    var endPoint = getPathEndPoint(names[i]);
                    if (endPoint) {
                        if (events[names[i]]) {

Some listeners wiped out for this name for this object

                            endPoints[endPoint] -= (listeners[names[i]] - events[names[i]].length);
                        } else {

All listeners wiped out for this name for this object

                            endPoints[endPoint] -= listeners[names[i]];
            return result;

Get the value of an attribute.

        get:function (attr) {
            var cache = this.__attributes__,
                val =, attr),
                obj = cache ? (isValuePresent(val) ? val : cache[attr]) : val;
            return isValuePresent(obj) ? obj : this._getAttr.apply(this, arguments);

Set a hash of model attributes on the Backbone Model.

        set:function (key, value, options) {
            var attributes, result;

Duplicate backbone's behavior to allow separate key/value parameters, instead of a single 'attributes' object.

            if (_.isObject(key) || key == null) {
                attributes = key;
                options = value;
            } else {
                attributes = {};
                attributes[key] = value;
            result = this._set(attributes, options);

Trigger events which have been blocked until the entire object graph is updated.

            return result;


Works with an attribute hash and options + fully qualified paths

        _set:function (attributes, options) {
            var attr, modelMap, modelId, obj, result = this;
            if (!attributes) return this;

temp cache of attributes

            this.__attributes__ = attributes;

            for (attr in attributes) {

Create a map for each unique object whose attributes we want to set

                modelMap || (modelMap = {});
                if (attr.match(pathChecker)) {
                    var pathTokens = getPathArray(attr), initials = _.initial(pathTokens),
                        last = pathTokens[pathTokens.length - 1],
                        parentModel = this.get(initials);
                    if (parentModel instanceof BackboneModel) {
                        obj = modelMap[parentModel.cid] ||
                            (modelMap[parentModel.cid] = {'model': parentModel, 'data': {}});
              [last] = attributes[attr];
                } else {
                    obj = modelMap[this.cid] || (modelMap[this.cid] = {'model':this, 'data':{}});
          [attr] = attributes[attr];

            if (modelMap) {
                for (modelId in modelMap) {
                    obj = modelMap[modelId];
          ,, options) || (result = false);

            } else {
                result =, attributes, options);

            delete this.__attributes__;

            return result;


Set a hash of model attributes on the object, fire Backbone event with options. It maintains relations between models during the set operation. It also bubbles up child events to the parent.

        _setAttr:function (attributes, options) {
            var attr;

Extract attributes and options.

            options || (options = {});
            if (options.unset) for (attr in attributes) attributes[attr] = void 0;
            this.parents = this.parents || [];

            if (this.relations) {

Iterate over this.relations and set model and collection values if relations are available.

                _.each(this.relations, function (relation) {
                    var relationKey = relation.key,
                        activationContext = relation.scope || root,
                        relatedModel = this._transformRelatedModel(relation, attributes),
                        collectionType = this._transformCollectionType(relation, relatedModel, attributes),
                        map = _.isString( ? map2Scope(, activationContext) :,
                        currVal = this.attributes[relationKey],
                        idKey = currVal && currVal.idAttribute,
                        val, relationOptions, data, relationValue, newCtx = false;

Merge in options specific to this relation.

                    relationOptions = relation.options ? _.extend({}, relation.options, options) : options;

                    if (attributes[relationKey]) {

Get value of attribute with relation key in val.

                        val = _.result(attributes, relationKey);

Map val if a transformation function is provided.

                        val = map ?, val, collectionType ? collectionType : relatedModel) : val;
                        if (!isValuePresent(val)) {
                            data = val;
                        } else {

If relation.type is Backbone.Many, Create Backbone.Collection with passed data and perform Backbone set.

                            if (relation.type === Backbone.Many) {

                                if (currVal) {

Setting this flag will prevent events from firing immediately. That way clients will not get events until the entire object graph is updated.

                                    currVal._deferEvents = true;

Use Backbone.Collection's reset or smart set method

                                    currVal[relationOptions.reset ? 'reset' : 'set'](
                                        val instanceof BackboneCollection ? val.models : val, relationOptions);

                                    data = currVal;

                                } else {
                                    newCtx = true;

                                    if (val instanceof BackboneCollection) {
                                        data = val;
                                    } else {
                                        data = this._createCollection(
                                            collectionType || BackboneCollection,
                                            relation.collectionOptions || (relatedModel ? {model: relatedModel} : {})
                                        data[relationOptions.reset ? 'reset' : 'set'](val, relationOptions);

                            } else if (relation.type === Backbone.One) {

                                var hasOwnProperty = (val instanceof BackboneModel) ?
                                    val.attributes.hasOwnProperty(idKey) :
                                var newIdKey = (val instanceof BackboneModel) ?
                                    val.attributes[idKey] :

Is the passed in data for the same key?

                                if (currVal && hasOwnProperty &&
                                    currVal.attributes[idKey] === newIdKey) {

Setting this flag will prevent events from firing immediately. That way clients will not get events until the entire object graph is updated.

                                    currVal._deferEvents = true;

Perform the traditional set operation

                                    currVal._set(val instanceof BackboneModel ? val.attributes : val, relationOptions);
                                    data = currVal;
                                } else {
                                    newCtx = true;

                                    if (val instanceof BackboneModel) {
                                        data = val;
                                    } else {
                                        relationOptions.__parents__ = this;
                                        data = new relatedModel(val, relationOptions);
                                        delete relationOptions.__parents__;

                            } else {
                                throw new Error('type attribute must be specified and ' +
                                    'have the values Backbone.One or Backbone.Many');

                        attributes[relationKey] = data;
                        relationValue = data;

Add proxy events to respective parents. Only add callback if not defined or new Ctx has been identified.

                        if (newCtx || (relationValue && !relationValue._proxyCallback)) {
                            if(!relationValue._proxyCallback) {
                              relationValue._proxyCallback = function () {
                                  return Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_BUBBLE &&
                            , relationKey, relationValue, arguments);
                            relationValue.on("all", relationValue._proxyCallback, this);


Distinguish between the value of undefined versus a set no-op

                    if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(relationKey))
                        this._setupParents(attributes[relationKey], this.attributes[relationKey]);
                }, this);

Return results for BackboneModel.set.

            return, attributes, options);

Bubble-up event to parent Model

        _bubbleEvent:function (relationKey, relationValue, eventArguments) {
            var args = eventArguments,
                opt = args[0].split(":"),
                eventType = opt[0],
                catch_all = args[0] == "nested-change",
                isChangeEvent = eventType === "change",
                eventObject = args[1],
                indexEventObject = -1,
                _proxyCalls = relationValue._proxyCalls,
                eventPath = opt[1],
                eSrc = !eventPath || (eventPath.indexOf(pathSeparator) == -1),

Short circuit the listen in to the nested-graph event

            if (catch_all) return;

Record the source of the event

            if (eSrc) sourceKey = (getPathEndPoint(args[0]) || relationKey);

Short circuit the event bubbling as there are no listeners for this end point

            if (!Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_NC && !endPoints[sourceKey]) return;

Short circuit the listen in to the wild-card event

            if (Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_WILDCARD) {
                if (/\[\*\]/g.test(eventPath)) return this;

            if (relationValue instanceof BackboneCollection && (isChangeEvent || eventPath)) {

O(n) search :(

                indexEventObject = relationValue.indexOf(sourceModel || eventObject);

            if (this instanceof BackboneModel) {

A quicker way to identify the model which caused an update inside the collection (while bubbling up)

                sourceModel = this;

Manipulate eventPath.

            eventPath = relationKey + ((indexEventObject !== -1 && (isChangeEvent || eventPath)) ?
                "[" + indexEventObject + "]" : "") + (eventPath ? pathSeparator + eventPath : "");

Short circuit collection * events

            if (Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_WILDCARD) {
                basecolEventPath = eventPath.replace(/\[\d+\]/g, '[*]');

            cargs = [];
            cargs.push.apply(cargs, args);
            cargs[0] = eventType + ":" + eventPath;

Create a collection modified event with wild-card

            if (Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_WILDCARD && eventPath !== basecolEventPath) {
                cargs[0] = cargs[0] + " " + eventType + ":" + basecolEventPath;

If event has been already triggered as result of same source eventPath, no need to re-trigger event to prevent cycle.

            _proxyCalls = relationValue._proxyCalls = (_proxyCalls || {});
            if (, _proxyCalls, eventPath)) return this;

Add eventPath in _proxyCalls to keep track of already triggered event.

            _proxyCalls[eventPath] = true;

Set up previous attributes correctly.

            if (isChangeEvent) {
                this._previousAttributes[relationKey] = relationValue._previousAttributes;
                this.changed[relationKey] = relationValue;

Bubble up event to parent model with new changed arguments.

            this.trigger.apply(this, cargs);

Only fire for change. Not change:attribute

            if (Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_NC && isChangeEvent && this.get(eventPath) != args[2]) {
                var ncargs = ["nested-change", eventPath, args[1]];
                args[2] && ncargs.push(args[2]); //args[2] will be options if present
                this.trigger.apply(this, ncargs);

Remove eventPath from _proxyCalls, if eventPath and _proxyCalls are available, which allow event to be triggered on for next operation of set.

            if (_proxyCalls && eventPath) delete _proxyCalls[eventPath];

            sourceModel = undefined;

            return this;

Has event been fired from this source. Used to prevent event recursion in cyclic graphs

        _isEventAvailable:function (_proxyCalls, path) {
            return _.find(_proxyCalls, function (value, eventKey) {
                return path.indexOf(eventKey, path.length - eventKey.length) !== -1;

Maintain reverse pointers - a.k.a parents

        _setupParents: function (updated, original) {

Set new parent for updated

            if (updated) {
                updated.parents = updated.parents || [];
                (_.indexOf(updated.parents, this) == -1) && updated.parents.push(this);

Remove this from the earlier set value's parents (if the new value is different).

            if (original && original.parents.length > 0 && original != updated) {
                original.parents = _.difference(original.parents, [this]);

Don't bubble to this parent anymore

                original._proxyCallback &&"all", original._proxyCallback, this);

Returns new collection (or derivatives) of type options.model.

        _createCollection: function (type, options) {
            options = _.defaults(options, {model: type.model});
            var c = new type([], _.isFunction(options) ? : options);
            c.parents = [this];
            return c;

Process all pending events after the entire object graph has been updated

        _processPendingEvents:function () {
            if (!this._processedEvents) {
                this._processedEvents = true;

                this._deferEvents = false;

Trigger all pending events

                _.each(this._pendingEvents, function (e) {
                    e.c.trigger.apply(e.c, e.a);

                this._pendingEvents = [];

Traverse down the object graph and call process pending events on sub-trees

                _.each(this.relations, function (relation) {
                    var val = this.attributes[relation.key];
                    val && val._processPendingEvents && val._processPendingEvents();
                }, this);

                delete this._processedEvents;

Process the raw relatedModel value set in a relation

        _transformRelatedModel: function (relation, attributes) {

            var relatedModel = relation.relatedModel;
            var activationContext = relation.scope || root;

Call function if relatedModel is implemented as a function

            if (relatedModel && !(relatedModel.prototype instanceof BackboneModel))
                relatedModel = _.isFunction(relatedModel) ?
          , relation, attributes) :

Get class if relation and map is stored as a string.

            if (relatedModel && _.isString(relatedModel)) {
                relatedModel = (relatedModel === Backbone.Self) ?
                    this.constructor :
                    map2Scope(relatedModel, activationContext);

Error checking

            if (relation.type === Backbone.One) {

                if (!relatedModel)
                    throw new Error('specify a relatedModel for Backbone.One type');

                if (!(relatedModel.prototype instanceof Backbone.Model))
                    throw new Error('specify an AssociatedModel or Backbone.Model for Backbone.One type');

            return relatedModel;

Process the raw collectionType value set in a relation

        _transformCollectionType: function (relation, relatedModel, attributes) {

            var collectionType = relation.collectionType;
            var activationContext = relation.scope || root;

            if (collectionType && _.isFunction(collectionType) &&
                (collectionType.prototype instanceof BackboneModel))
                throw new Error('type is of Backbone.Model. Specify derivatives of Backbone.Collection');

Call function if collectionType is implemented as a function

            if (collectionType && !(collectionType.prototype instanceof BackboneCollection))
                collectionType = _.isFunction(collectionType) ?
          , relation, attributes) : collectionType;

            collectionType && _.isString(collectionType) &&
            (collectionType = map2Scope(collectionType, activationContext));

collectionType of defined relation should be instance of Backbone.Collection.

            if (collectionType && !collectionType.prototype instanceof BackboneCollection) {
                throw new Error('collectionType must inherit from Backbone.Collection');

Error checking

            if (relation.type === Backbone.Many) {
                if ((!relatedModel) && (!collectionType))
                    throw new Error('specify either a relatedModel or collectionType');

            return collectionType;


Override trigger to defer events in the object graph.

        trigger:function (name) {

Defer event processing

            if (this._deferEvents) {
                this._pendingEvents = this._pendingEvents || [];

Maintain a queue of pending events to trigger after the entire object graph is updated.

                this._pendingEvents.push({c:this, a:arguments});
            } else {
                ModelProto.trigger.apply(this, arguments);

The JSON representation of the model.

        toJSON:function (options) {
            var json = {}, aJson;
            json[this.idAttribute] =;
            if (!this.visited) {
                this.visited = true;

Get json representation from BackboneModel.toJSON.

                json = ModelProto.toJSON.apply(this, arguments);

Pick up only the keys you want to serialize

                if (options && options.serialize_keys) {
                    json = _.pick(json, options.serialize_keys);

If this.relations is defined, iterate through each relation and added it's json representation to parents' json representation.

                if (this.relations) {
                    _.each(this.relations, function (relation) {
                        var key = relation.key,
                            remoteKey = relation.remoteKey,
                            attr = this.attributes[key],
                            serialize = !relation.isTransient,
                            serialize_keys = relation.serialize || [],
                            _options = _.clone(options);

Remove default Backbone serialization for associations.

                        delete json[key];

Assign to remoteKey if specified. Otherwise use the default key. Only for non-transient relationships

                        if (serialize) {

Pass the keys to serialize as options to the toJSON method.

                            if (serialize_keys.length) {
                                _options ?
                                    (_options.serialize_keys = serialize_keys) :
                                    (_options = {serialize_keys: serialize_keys})

                            aJson = attr && attr.toJSON ? attr.toJSON(_options) : attr;
                            json[remoteKey || key] = _.isArray(aJson) ? _.compact(aJson) : aJson;

                    }, this);

                delete this.visited;
            return json;

Create a new model with identical attributes to this one.

        clone: function (options) {
            return new this.constructor(this.toJSON(options));

Call this if you want to set an AssociatedModel to a falsy value like undefined/null directly. Not calling this will leak memory and have wrong parents. See test case "parent relations"

        cleanup:function (options) {
            options = options || {};

            _.each(this.relations, function (relation) {
                var val = this.attributes[relation.key];
                if(val) {
                    val._proxyCallback &&"all", val._proxyCallback, this);
                    val.parents = _.difference(val.parents, [this]);
            }, this);
            (!options.listen) &&;

Override destroy to perform house-keeping on parents collection

        destroy: function(options) {
            options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
            options = _.defaults(options, {remove_references: true, listen: true});
            var model = this;

            if(options.remove_references && options.wait) {

Proxy success implementation

                var success = options.success;

Substitute with an implementation which will remove references to model

                options.success = function (resp) {
                    if (success) success(model, resp, options);

Call the base implementation

            var xhr =  ModelProto.destroy.apply(this, [options]);

            if(options.remove_references && !options.wait) {

            return xhr;

Navigate the path to the leaf object in the path to query for the attribute value

        _getAttr:function (path) {

            var result = this,
                cache = this.__attributes__,

Tokenize the path

                attrs = getPathArray(path),
            if (_.size(attrs) < 1) return;
            for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
                key = attrs[i];
                if (!result) break;

Navigate the path to get to the result

                result = result instanceof BackboneCollection
                    ? (isNaN(key) ? undefined :
                    : (cache ?
                    (isValuePresent(result.attributes[key]) ? result.attributes[key] : cache[key]) :
            return result;

Tokenize the fully qualified event path

    var getPathArray = function (path) {
        if (path === '') return [''];
        return _.isString(path) ? (path.match(delimiters)) : path || [];

Get the end point of the path.

    var getPathEndPoint = function (path) {

        if (!path) return path;


        var tokens = path.split(":");

        if (tokens.length > 1) {
            path = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
            tokens = path.split(pathSeparator);
            return tokens.length > 1 ? tokens[tokens.length - 1].split('[')[0] : tokens[0].split('[')[0];
        } else {

path of 0 depth

            return "";


    var map2Scope = function (path, context) {
        var target,
            scopes = [context];

Check global scopes after passed-in context

        scopes.push.apply(scopes, Backbone.Associations.scopes);

        for (var ctx, i = 0, l = scopes.length; i < l; ++i) {
            if (ctx = scopes[i]) {
                target = _.reduce(path.split(pathSeparator), function (memo, elem) {
                    return memo[elem];
                }, ctx);
                if (target) break;
        return target;

Infer the relation from the collection's parents and find the appropriate map for the passed in models

    var map2models = function (parents, target, models) {
        var relation, surrogate;

Iterate over collection's parents

        _.find(parents, function (parent) {

Iterate over relations

            relation = _.find(parent.relations, function (rel) {
                return parent.get(rel.key) === target;
            }, this);
            if (relation) {
                surrogate = parent;//surrogate for transformation
                return true;//break;
        }, this);

If we found a relation and it has a mapping function

        if (relation && {
            return, models, target);
        return models;

Utility method to check for null or undefined value

    var isValuePresent = function (value) {
        return (!_.isUndefined(value)) && (!_.isNull(value));

    var proxies = {};

Proxy Backbone collection methods

    _.each(['set', 'remove', 'reset'], function (method) {
        proxies[method] = BackboneCollection.prototype[method];

        CollectionProto[method] = function (models, options) {

Short-circuit if this collection doesn't hold AssociatedModels

            if (this.model.prototype instanceof AssociatedModel && this.parents) {

Find a map function if available and perform a transformation

                arguments[0] = map2models(this.parents, this, models);
            return proxies[method].apply(this, arguments);

Override trigger to defer events in the object graph.

    proxies['trigger'] = CollectionProto['trigger'];
    CollectionProto['trigger'] = function (name) {
        if (this._deferEvents) {
            this._pendingEvents = this._pendingEvents || [];

Maintain a queue of pending events to trigger after the entire object graph is updated.

            this._pendingEvents.push({c:this, a:arguments});
        } else {
            proxies['trigger'].apply(this, arguments);

Attach process pending event functionality on collections as well. Re-use from AssociatedModel

    CollectionProto._processPendingEvents = AssociatedModel.prototype._processPendingEvents;
    CollectionProto.on = AssociatedModel.prototype.on; =;

    return Backbone;